About Us

Chitransh Business Association Trust

In a world that often prioritizes competition over collaboration, we believe in the power of community to drive positive change. By coming together, supporting each other, and working towards a shared vision, we can create a thriving business ecosystem that benefits us all. Join us on this journey towards a brighter future for our community and our businesses.

Chitransh Business Association Trust was formed in Oct 2021 by Manish Kr Verma, Raj K Verma, Dev Sharan Sinha and Pankaj Piyoosh with a mission to bring all Chitransh business and Professionals on a platform for business promotion through referrals and to expand business network. We started with few members and today we have 5 team and more than 150 + members in Ranchi. In a little span of time we have done business of 15 CR+ and growing. We are also moving to different cities and expanding our business network.

Code of Conduct

  • Using welcoming and inclusive language.
  • Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences.
  • Gracefully accepting constructive criticism.
  • Focusing on what is best for the Association.
  • Showing empathy towards other Association members.
  • Support others in the Association
  • Get support from others in the Association.



Give business to each other through referral and playing a supporting role in strengthening the businesses & this trust, coming in contact with each other and strengthening the professional relationship.

Our Vision

At the heart of our vision is the belief that together, we are stronger. We envision a community where businesses of all sizes come together to support each other’s growth and success. Rather than viewing each other as competitors, we see fellow entrepreneurs as collaborators, allies in a shared journey towards prosperity.

Key Principles

1. Trust: Trust forms the foundation of our community. We believe in open communication, honesty, and integrity in all our interactions. By building trust among members, we create a supportive environment where businesses feel safe to collaborate and innovate.

2. Collaboration: Collaboration is the cornerstone of our approach. We encourage businesses to pool their resources, share knowledge, and explore opportunities for joint ventures. Through collaborative projects and partnerships, we can leverage each other’s strengths and achieve greater success than we could alone.

3. Mutual Support: In our community, success is not a zero-sum game. We believe in lifting each other up and celebrating each other’s achievements. Whether through mentorship programs, peer-to-peer support networks, or shared marketing efforts, we are committed to helping our fellow businesses thrive.

4. Shared Vision: Central to our community is a shared vision for the future. We believe in creating a business environment that is not only economically prosperous but also socially and environmentally sustainable. By aligning our goals and values, we can work together to build a better future for our community

Benefits of Joining Our Community

  • Access to a network of like-minded entrepreneurs and business owners.
  • Opportunities for collaboration, partnerships, and joint ventures.
  • Support and mentorship from experienced members of the community
  • Shared resources and cost-saving initiatives
  • Increased visibility and exposure through community-wide marketing efforts