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Manish Kumar Varma

चित्रांश बिजनेस एसोसिएशन ट्रस्ट एक बिजनेस प्रोसेस संस्था है जिसका मुख्य उद्देश्य सभी चित्रांश प्रोफेसनल्स और बिजनेस पर्सन को एक प्लेटफार्म पर लाना है। सीबीए मूल रूप से रेफरल के माध्यम से एक दूसरे को बिजनेस देना और बिजनेस को मजबूती प्रदान करने मे सहायक की भूमिका निभाना एक दूसरे के संपर्क मे आना और प्रोफेशनल रिलेशन में मजबूती प्रदान करना है।

Raj K Verma

When you have a problem that needs solving, where do you look? For most people, they turn to their network. Whether you are looking for a new healthcare practice, a new car, or a realtor, you typically reach out to the people you trust – your friends, relatives, or people you know who will guide you without bias.

Pankaj Piyoosh

I am Pankaj Piyoosh, one the founder members and trustee of Chitransh Business Association (CBA) which we initiated from Ranchi, Jharkhand to build and provide a network or platform through which all the Kayasth businessmen and entrepreneurs could connect with each other.


कोशिश तो सब करते हैं पर सबको हासिल ताज नहीं होता, शोहरत तो कोई भी कमा ले पर हम कायस्थों वाला अंदाज नहीं होता। इस तथ्य को सत्य करता है हमारा यह चित्रांश बिजनेस एसोसिएशन (सीबीए) यह एक सामाजिक संस्था है जो मुख्य रूप से सुव्यवस्थित विधियों के द्वारा हमारे कायस्थ समाज के व्यक्तियों की जरूरतों की पूर्ति के लिए संगठित किया गया है।

Our Vision

Building a Thriving Community Economy Through Trust and Collaboration

At the heart of our vision is the belief that together, we are stronger. We envision a community where businesses of all sizes come together to support each other’s growth and success.

Rather than viewing each other as competitors, we see fellow entrepreneurs as collaborators, allies in a shared journey towards prosperity.

Key Principles

Creating a community-driven business ecosystem based on trust and shared vision can significantly benefit local businesses and foster economic growth.

  1. Trust
  2. Collaboration
  3. Mutual Support
  4. Shared Vision
  5. Support and mentorship


Give business to each other through referral and playing a supporting role in strengthening the businesses & this trust, coming in contact with each other and strengthening the professional relationship.

New financial year, New Venue, New Time CBA business meet is on 6th April, 7:30 AM at Hotel Lelac. Promote your business, Book your Seat.

CBA Members along with CBA Doctors Community organized Holi Milan to celebrate festival of colors on 17/03/24, here are few glimpses of Chitransh Business Association celebration



Advisory committee

The Chitransh Business Association Trust has established an Advisory Committee to provide strategic guidance and oversight to the organization. The Advisory Committee comprises experienced professionals who bring a wealth of expertise and insights to the table.


Chitransh Business Association Trust was formed in October 2021. Their mission was to create a platform that would bring together Chitransh businesses and professionals, enabling them to promote their ventures through referrals and expand their business networks.


The association provides its members with a platform to connect, collaborate, and explore new business avenues. Through regular networking events, workshops, and mentorship programs, the trust empowers its members to develop their skills, build valuable relationships, and unlock new growth opportunities.


What began with a humble group of founding members has blossomed into a thriving community. From our modest beginnings, we have now grown to encompass 5 dedicated teams and over 150 enthusiastic members in Ranchi. In a remarkably short period, we have facilitated business transactions exceeding 15 crores and continue to witness exponential growth.


In today’s interconnected world, fostering a sense of community and trust among businesses is essential for sustainable growth.

Imagine a vibrant ecosystem where local businesses support one another, collaborate on projects, and collectively thrive. This is the vision driving our initiative to cultivate a community-driven business environment.

Chitransh Business Association Trust was formed in Oct 2021 by Manish Kr Verma, Raj K Verma, Dev Sharan Sinha and Pankaj Piyoosh with a mission to bring all Chitransh business and Professionals on a platform for business promotion through referrals and to expand business network. 

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CBA business meet